Participation of Children in Public Prayer and the Lord’s Table

Children in Public Prayer

It is a good thing for children to pray. They should be taught early to call upon God and to seek His face and His grace and to give Him thanksgiving and praise. Prayer ought to be encouraged in homes.

What about children praying during our time of public, corporate prayer?

Of course there is no age-limit on praying. God may freely be approached at any age. There is no age-limit on that faith which grants such access to God through Christ. Yet public praying is in some measure different from private or family praying. It has a larger audience, involves matters of a more public concern, and is to be done in a manner as edifying as possible for the benefit of the congregation and the glory of God.

Parents should take into account their child’s level of maturity and ability to pray in an edifying manner before permitting them to offer public prayers.

We believe that parents should instruct their child in advance how to pray in public. Children should be instructed to think through what they will pray for and to be clear and concise in their prayers. Parents should instruct their children to speak loud enough to be heard and slow enough to be understood. Of course, what pertains to children pertains to those who are older as well.

It may be helpful for parents to identify in advance of the prayer time some specific item for which the child can pray and to help them frame an appropriate prayer for the public meeting. This “dress rehearsal” can be a good time for instruction and a good preparation for coming to the meeting to pray.

Parents are responsible for their children as they publicly pray and should exercise a careful supervision and active oversight over their praying.

Communion Participation by Children

When may children partake of the Lord’s table at Faith Community Church?

We believe that the observance of the Lord’s table is only for believers in Jesus. As it is a public ordinance it is only for those who have made an earlier public profession of faith in Jesus.

We believe that baptism by immersion is the initiatory ordinance for a believer wherein he publicly professes faith in Christ and publicly identifies with Him and His people.

Therefore, our practice at Faith Community Church is that only those children who have first professed faith in Christ in baptism shall be permitted to partake in the observance of the Lord’s table.

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